Best Photos of the Week: April 5th, 2024
Explore a collection of our favorite photographs and digital art from the world of botany, floristry, and nature this week.
1) Pink Peonies
The first peonies of the season are in bloom!
2) Colorful Floral Designs
A vibrant and colorful floral arrangement featuring fresh-cut dahlia flowers.
3) Wild Primrose
Yellow wild primrose flowers growing at the base of a tree spotted on a spring walk.
4) Colorful Celosia Flowers
Unique celosia flowers showcasing red, yellow, and green hues.
5) Summer Wildflower Meadows
Vibrant and colorful wildflowers bloom against the setting sun.
6) Zinnias with a View
Beautiful and vibrant zinnia flowers with a stunning vista to a large lake and rolling hills.
7) Purple Patch
Stunning purple wildflowers grow on the hillside, overlooking green fields and the setting sun.
8) Pink Clovers
Beautiful pink clover flowers in full bloom.
9) Red Persian Daisies
A cluster of ruby red Persian Daisies in bloom.
10) Mountain Daisies
An array of brilliant white and yellow-centered spring daisies with snow-capped mountains in the background.
Explore more: Photos of the Week March 29th, 2024:
Andrew is the Editorial Director at Petal Republic. He holds a BSc degree in Plant Sciences and has trained professionally at leading floristry schools in London and Paris. In amongst overseeing a global editorial team, Andrew's a passionate content creator around all things flowers, floral design, gardening, and houseplants.